🧠 Become an effective goal setter with SMART goals
When we first start thinking about our goals, what we usually come up with are broad terms or vague ideas. “I want to look good.” That’s a start, but if we really want to succeed we have to get more detailed and make a plan.
🏝 Let’s say we have a client named Kevin and he wants to feel more confident on an upcoming beach vacation. We ask Kevin more questions and discover that what he actually wants is to lose 10 pounds of extra weight for his vacation in three months. He’s 37 years old, 5’11”, weighs 200 pounds, and has no medical conditions. Here’s how we can make Kevin’s goal SMART:
👉🏻Specific- Kevin would like to lose 10 pounds in 3 months.
⚖️Measurable- A scale can be used to measure overall weight loss. If there are other body composition goals, these changes can be measured and tracked as well.
🧗Attainable- A 10 pound loss in 3 months is an attainable goal.
👍🏼Realistic- At his height and weight, 10 pounds in 3 months is attainable for Kevin.
⏱Timely- 10 pounds can be lost in 3 months at a steady and sustainable rate.
💪🏼If you have a goal of your own in mind, get started with your plan by asking yourself these action-oriented questions:
❓What is my goal?
📆 When would I like to have this goal accomplished?
💰 What do I need to accomplish this goal? (Support from friends/family, money, time, gym equipment)
🤒 What are some possible challenges I could face on my journey to reach my goal? (missing workouts, holiday goodies, out of town trips, etc)
👟What steps can I take each day to keep moving in the right direction?
😁Answering these questions will serve many benefits. Not only will you be developing a plan of action, but you’ll also feel empowered, focused, and motivated.
💪🏼🔥Happy goal crushing!